What makes it so special?

Something in this country and city certainly attracts and fascinates a lot! So what is it then that makes this happen? Hmmm. Some of the uniqueness I experience is the polite- and kindness in people you meet. Japanese people are very kind! Another trait is the hard working almost passionate devotedness’ to duties you see around. Let it be the guy giving away ad’s on the street, the top manager in all employers meetings or you co-workers. It is impressing! Not to mention the safe and secure environment you experience out there. No worry if it is in the middle of the night in narrow streets or in stations. You do not experience any threat what so ever! You can see children out in the evenings and can tell by looking at them that they feel safe. It is also (mostly) a joy to see how carefully and neat things are arranged, let it be packaging, flower arrangement or outfits in the streets. Let it be punk rockers or official trendsetters. Yeah, I think above gives a glimpse of some of the things that strikes us westerners when arriving here. However, one bi-effect of living here for a while is when listening to the news from the home country over Internet. It has hit me several times that everyone seems so bloody psyched up. In interviews about trivial subjects the voices are quite often shrilled and the approach almost as if the end of the life on earth is near. Even the weather reports seems to be a matter of life and death. Hey, calm down, life is short and the spring is around the corner. (Also in the country up north where the sun goes down :-)
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