
Tokyo, Japan seen through a Swede’s glasses. Differences, similarities & about being a big, big girl in a big, big world.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Same but different

Making statements about cultural differences obviously also implies making generalisations. Let me give you some characteristics about the Swedes and Japanese respectively:

They are kind, want consensus rather then confrontation, honest, naïve and always assume that everyone has the best intentions, a bit boring, tense relation to alcohol and shy. Some characteristics of the other fellow countrymen/-women: They are polite, open minded to other cultures, consensus seekers, vague to keep harmony, inhibited and shy, but loosen up with help of alcohol. They are also nature lovers, prefer stylish and naturalistic elements in interior design and are quite concerned and often talks about the weather.

Did I lose you on which characteristics apply to which country?

…… Thought so :-)


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