It sad but Goodbye
I left this beloved city some weeks ago. Tokyo, the City of all Cities. Where we lived and thrived for almost 2 years. I am sure I will be back but it has been though to return to the home-city and Sweden. Although the conditions are probably optimal, with extremely nice summer weather, the return sent me into a period of lowness. I even shortened my holiday to cure my restlessness. ..
I heard it is a typical reaction when returning from an “expat” period. Everything is exactly as it were when you left – only more so, more boring, grey and tiresome. If you like us went "out" for less then 2 years the time moves too quickly. It was 2 weeks, was it?
But I guess – my Lutheran heritage tells me – I shouldn’t complain. I got the experience. I am healthy, have 5 healthy kids a nice husband an exciting job, nice apartment and even a summer home, nice car (!) and so on. Why complain and fill myself with selfpityness… Keep the good mood up – who know what’s around the corner!?
Some reflections about the life back in Sweden might be published at LOCALE.
I think my favourites get the last word in this Blogg;
Felica, Mathilda, Peter, Joanna & Hannes.
Love to you All :-)
I heard it is a typical reaction when returning from an “expat” period. Everything is exactly as it were when you left – only more so, more boring, grey and tiresome. If you like us went "out" for less then 2 years the time moves too quickly. It was 2 weeks, was it?
But I guess – my Lutheran heritage tells me – I shouldn’t complain. I got the experience. I am healthy, have 5 healthy kids a nice husband an exciting job, nice apartment and even a summer home, nice car (!) and so on. Why complain and fill myself with selfpityness… Keep the good mood up – who know what’s around the corner!?
Some reflections about the life back in Sweden might be published at LOCALE.
I think my favourites get the last word in this Blogg;
Felica, Mathilda, Peter, Joanna & Hannes.
Love to you All :-)